Earlobe Support Patches

SHAPERZ Hypoallergenic Earring Support Patch / Medical Earring Tapes For Sensitive Skin / Ear Transparent Patch
₹ 499₹ 499 (20% discount)
Product description
- Super-reinforced, crisscross network for lobe strength.
- Enjoy natural-looking, unstressed ear lobes.
- Rock heavy earrings with confidence.
- Prevent ear hole expansion effortlessly.
- Easy to use and skin-friendly.
- Hypoallergenic for ultimate skin safety.
1. Peel the earring support patch and stick behind ear lobe.
2. Pierce your earring from the front side of your ear lobe through the earring support patch.
Alternatively you can also wear your earring and pierce through back side of your ear lobe.
Important information
Safety Information:
Medical grade surgical tapes.
Suitable for all skin types.
It is Skin-friendly & hypo-allergenic can be used for up to 2-3 days.